Prepare to Send It
Join OTHS for Ski & Snowboard Fitness with instructors Joanne Orce, Marisa Howard
The program is offered at 3 different times this year:
• Tuesday & Thursday at 6 AM with Mike Benedict starting October 1 through November 21.
• Tuesday & Thursday at 12 PM with Marisa Howard starting October 1 through November 21.
• Wednesday & Friday at 12 PM with Joanne Orce starting October 2 through November 22.
The price for 16 sessions is $139 for members and $159 for guests.
Summer is almost in the rearview mirror and we can’t stop thinking about powder-filled days on the mountain! Are you ready for ski season? Make sure you’re in shape to tackle the mountain this winter with a dedicated, focused, group-personal training class with personal trainers and coach Mike Benedict, Joanne Orce and Marisa Howard. Instructors will work with participants to make sure they can meet their winter athletic goals. Ski fitness goes beyond your typical group exercise class to provide in-depth coaching and guidance based on individual and personal needs and goals. This is a rain or shine or snow class, meaning they can be outside depending on the weather. Please plan accordingly and dress to exercise outside, however, some classes will also be indoors depending on the goal of the class.
The price for all 16 sessions of any time slot is $139 for members or $159 for guests. Registration opens on August 2, 2024. Members may register online using the members portal and guests may register here. Members and guests may register by stopping by or calling the OTHS front desk at 910.879.1828.